dana-hat : the unit vector

Sunday, November 27, 2005


So, Thanksgiving was a bust. It was nice to see my sister and family and whatnot, but over all it was really boring. No internet, but it actually wasn't that bad. My mom only asked if I was depressed once. My dog is moving slowly. I checked my email at the library once. Yay for emails from Norway.

I need to order my train tickets to New York, because I still definatly want to do that. I should start seriously looking for jobs. Maybe I should look in Austin, TX. or New York or maybe Oregon...

I really need an idea for my Senior Seminar Thesis for next semester. Any ideas? I'm pretty sure I don't want to do anything regarding ISKCON. That would just not be cool.

On Tuesday I went with a friend to the mosque in a near/far town, and fell in love with it all over again. Even though there were some awkward moments, it was a lovely trip. However, I think along with the mosque, I've fallen in love with churches as well. If only I didn't have to drive home on Wednesday, I would have had a great time looking at the churches I passed. But alas, it is necessary to watch the road, not the buildings on the side of the road.

Friday, November 18, 2005

six months.

I recieved an email from my senior sem professor next semester asking for our thesis title and a few sentences about what we are going to write about "as soon as possible" Yeah. I don't know what I'm going to write about. So, I'm kinda freaking out about that. However, I realized I graduate in (less that) six months. (less than by about five days or so) And that is both exciting and damned scary.

I am so excited about Thanksgivng break, getting away from this damned place, spending time with my family, who i'm really missing right now. COMMA ABUSE!!1!

Monday, November 14, 2005

mmm sleep

I have been having crazy dreams.

A couple nights ago I dreamt that one of my friends from the Academy had to read this huge stack of books, and they were in German.

And last night I had this dream that my roommate & I were kicked out of our dorm, we had to live off campus, but most of our stuff was still in Grim. I came back to get a little bit of the stuff and talk to the Hall Director to see if we could move back in. The hall director's office was a bathroom and the chairs were all toilets and it was strange. But before I went back to the dorm, I went to the Math department, but they were closing at noon and were done for the day, so I couldn't talk to anyone there.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Maybe the title of this blog isn't the most accurate. I'm feeling much more like a scalar, rather than a unit vector. I don't have any direction. I wrote my resume today. But I don't really know what I'm doing.

I'm supposed to graduate in say, six months or so. But I don't know what I'm going to do after that. Which really wouldn't bother me, except society says that I should.

I got a call today, from the registrar's office that sent me into a fit of tears. "Hello, this is the registrar's office. According to the 2003 catalogue, you cannot graduate with both a BS and a BA. Please come to the Registrar's Office to Choose which degree you want so we can process your degree audit." Oh. Holy. Crap. I know it's possible to get a BA in Mathematics, but I don't want a BA in math. I did those science classes, I want that reflected in my degree title. So after consulting the correct catalogue, I know the Registrar is incorrect, they probably think I've applied for both a BA and a BS in Mathematics, which is not the case. However, it's frustrating to think that they've been processing these degree audits all semester and they haven't double checked that I'm NOT applying for two degrees with the same major. (curse words were laid down earlier this evening)