So, Thanksgiving was a bust. It was nice to see my sister and family and whatnot, but over all it was really boring. No internet, but it actually wasn't that bad. My mom only asked if I was depressed once. My dog is moving slowly. I checked my email at the library once. Yay for emails from Norway.
I need to order my train tickets to New York, because I still definatly want to do that. I should start seriously looking for jobs. Maybe I should look in Austin, TX. or New York or maybe Oregon...
I really need an idea for my Senior Seminar Thesis for next semester. Any ideas? I'm pretty sure I don't want to do anything regarding ISKCON. That would just not be cool.
On Tuesday I went with a friend to the mosque in a near/far town, and fell in love with it all over again. Even though there were some awkward moments, it was a lovely trip. However, I think along with the mosque, I've fallen in love with churches as well. If only I didn't have to drive home on Wednesday, I would have had a great time looking at the churches I passed. But alas, it is necessary to watch the road, not the buildings on the side of the road.
I need to order my train tickets to New York, because I still definatly want to do that. I should start seriously looking for jobs. Maybe I should look in Austin, TX. or New York or maybe Oregon...
I really need an idea for my Senior Seminar Thesis for next semester. Any ideas? I'm pretty sure I don't want to do anything regarding ISKCON. That would just not be cool.
On Tuesday I went with a friend to the mosque in a near/far town, and fell in love with it all over again. Even though there were some awkward moments, it was a lovely trip. However, I think along with the mosque, I've fallen in love with churches as well. If only I didn't have to drive home on Wednesday, I would have had a great time looking at the churches I passed. But alas, it is necessary to watch the road, not the buildings on the side of the road.