dana-hat : the unit vector

Sunday, July 16, 2006


So, I was thinking about road tripping out west without actually thinking that it would happen, and i mentioned it to a friend, who was all about it. So, as long as we can find a third person to go (to help offset the costs of gas) i'm headed out west in august. West-er than i've ever been.

IA-(IL)-IN-(IL)-MO-(KS)-CO-(WY)-UT-NV-AZ-(NM)-(KS)-MO-(IL)-IN. States in () are drive-through only.

So, i'm doing most of the planning, but I've never really been on a road trip before, so I'm not sure how much driving in one day i can take, but i'm still planning. I've also never camped out before, but I'm planning on planning that too, because it's just so much cheaper than a hotel.

so yeah. i'm excited and a little nervous. wanna be the third?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


finished Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita. damn straight.