dana-hat : the unit vector

Monday, June 27, 2005

Learning to love life by living through loss and mistakes,
Lessons learned and gradually surfacing
Lletting go, striping naked to scream.
I am not perfect nor do I strive to be.
I am alive in this world of face first falls and public breakdowns.

So, maybe I fucked up a little this weekend. or a lot. I got my test back -- 84. I wanted higher, but the reading comprehension got me. I did really awesome on the rest of it though. At least relatively speaking, compared to Russian.

About the weekend. Too little sleep leads to one giant "Dana Bitch" really. And it's not an excuse. But I choose to be happy now. And I do believe this happiness to be a choice.

Narrative? Friday, A couple of friends had plane ticket problems, like the tickets were in Fez and the people were in Ifrane. So we went to Fez to get them. And in the process: halal McDonalds, People! Saturday, I slept late and my friends left before I got up. Jason, a group of new people, and I went down to Azrou. I bought an owl for one of my old people, and still owe Jason 40 dirham, I believe. Drank qahua WAY too late, was on a caffeine buzz and then test stress until about 7:30. got about three hours of sleep, was extremely rude to some friends, broke down emotionally and went to bed at 10. The current roommate came in at eleven and turned on the television. Thought I would kill her, but left the room instead, sat in the "auditorium" that's outdoors and faces the Mosque. Uhib al-jaamia'. i love the mosque.


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